倪莉,女,现为我院英语系教师,讲师,日本国际基督教大学,美国文学博士在读,日本比较文化学会会员。任教以来,曾在International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics发表文章“The Transformation of the Images of Japanese Women in America: Selected Literature from 1853 to 1953” (2016, 新加坡); 在The International Symposium on Globalization and Media in Asia 发表文章 “The Visual Culture of Cross-dressing Girls in Japanese Shojo Manga” (2016, 广岛); 在Journal of the Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility发表文章 “A Research on Behavior Based Tourists' Buying Intention and Satisfaction” (2012, 柏林);在The 8th Euro-Asia Conference on environment and CSR: Tourism, MICE, Hospitality Management and Education Session发表文章 “Based on Tourist Behavior: Study on the Model of Tourists’ Buying Intention and Satisfaction” (2012, 柏林);在The 7th Euro-Asia Conference on environment and CSR: Tourism, MICE, Hospitality Management and Education Session发表文章 “Study on the Coordinative Development of Tourism in Jing-Jin-Ji Area Based on Industry Cluster Theory” (2011, 柏林) 并担任ICCLL 2016 新加坡项目的审稿人。